Tuesday, 3 March 2015

27th February 2015 - Langold Lake

On a trip to see family in North Notts, there was time for a walk around Langold Lake before the bad weather set in. A pleasant morning with some sunshine the wind had a cold northerly edge.

Main birds of note were the 7 pairs of Great Crested Grebes here. I am not sure why the lake holds so much appeal for do many of this species but it really does seem to be something of a GCG magnet.  They were beginning to display, one pair in particular rehearsing their moves with occasional brief demonstrations of the courtship rituals.

A Buzzard glided over the car park as we left, a bird which is getting more of a foothold in the area with each passing year.

Otherwise fairly quiet on the lake for variety, although the Canada's and Gulls made enough sounds to fill the void!

I used to do the Webs count at Langold Lake. A great site for Great Crested Grebe.

The garden feeders at my parents house were a hive of activity as usual. A bright Nuthatch was a visually appealing visitor whilst the Woodpigeons were clearly enjoying an ivy berry feast with a dozen of these portly diners clinging precariously to the branches with wings spread for balance. Frequently losing balance their already spread wings instantly countered their fall like clumsy avian base jumpers.

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