Sunday, 22 February 2015

15th February 2015 - Welton Water

A quick walk around Welton Water at the end of the day yielded little for most of the walk. The pools were mostly quiet except for 12 Tufted Duck and an equal number of Goldeneye. However, the small reedy pool at the dam end of Welton Water contained an incredible 48 Gadwall. Many years ago, Gadwall were a surprise find on the Webs counts that I did in North Notts. At Welton they appear to be commoner than Mallard which is quite a change around.

2 Shoveler made their way through the reeds on the car park pool and Cormorants were roosting in the island trees again in good numbers.

Highlight of the walk was an easily recognised buzzing zee zee of a Marsh Tit. The bird performed well but would not stay still for camera, moving constantly amongst the pathside bushes. Hence the awful record shot. This is a bird which has not been a regular at most of my patches in the past, so I don't see them very often, so it was a bit of a treat.

A small reedy pool held a large number of Gadwall, far out numbering all other wildfowl put together at Welton Water

Awful record shot of a Marsh Tit that simply would not stop moving!!!!

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